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Self accountability blah blah blah. I keep getting As in the class, but all of the sudden my report card is a D?

Hahah save it


Staff member
BigTexas18 nailed it. It's about self accountability. We're all grown ass men. We're lot here to babysit. We have lives outside of PX1. We don't have time to watch every game. That's why we did the rating system. Hasn't worked quite as well as we hoped be people are too scared to rate people honestly. I don't know why but that has been the case in every leagueZ guys hand out 5's like candy and then one of the leaders play someone and give them a 3 and they flip out bc nobody else has.

It is what it is. We try more than pretty much any other league out there to provide high quality content and as fair as a system as possible. But some people want to have their hand held and shoes tied for them. There are probably leagues out there like that and people are free to go find them. At the end of the day, this is a business for us. We're not just sitting around drinking beer and playing games. We're trying to create something that has never been done and is unlikely to be duplicated. I think we make that pretty clear but guys will always find way to excuse themselves from accountability. That's fine. Move on. We will continue doing what we do and what the vast majority of guys here believe wholeheartedly in.


Staff member
And remember cnorys4 that everything you do and say reflects on NightHawkTH32 bc he vouched for you. So be an asshole if that's who you want to be but you're affecting the rep of your boy too. Maybe you're too self-absorbed to see that or care but you do. He put his rep on the line for you and you are pissing all over it right now. Not the kind of friend I'd want but that's between yall.


It's all good man I respect your opin
And remember cnorys4 that everything you do and say reflects on NightHawkTH32 bc he vouched for you. So be an asshole if that's who you want to be but you're affecting the rep of your boy too. Maybe you're too self-absorbed to see that or care but you do. He put his rep on the line for you and you are pissing all over it right now. Not the kind of friend I'd want but that's between yall.

Low blow man, way to mix up real life and videogames. Manipulation at its finest, sad.


Self accountability blah blah blah. I keep getting As in the class, but all of the sudden my report card is a D?

Hahah save it
You must not be a grown man bro. Just let it go! You said you were done be done. Integrity and self worth aren't the same thing. However integrity and self accountability are pretty close. If you need to know how to be a man and play by grown up rules hit my boys up at the army recruiting station they'll straighten you out asap.


Woah. Don't bring me in to this. And don't bring real life into this. We're not here to attack people's character. You can attack gameplay but don't talk about people if you don't know them personally. That ain't right.


The issue is that you never corrected the issues that were brought up. No one is perfect and there is room for everyone to improve me being one of those people. But, if I am doing something wrong and its brought to my attention then I am going to work to make sure to correct the issue and make this an enjoyable game not only for me, but the players I am playing. We are part of the VIP league and we need to set the standard for other players in the other leagues so they can strive to play the same kind of football that we want as a group all together. Again, we are here to have fun and play football and enjoy the people we get to meet and grow with by playing week after week.


Staff member
NightHawkTH32 he doesn't have character. At least not in the online world. He accepts no responsibility and tries to deflect and justify. simulationfl was privy to the entire conversation we had. He just makes excuses for everything. He brought that on himself. And you promised me he would be good and we would have no issues with him and yet here we are...


Staff member
I'm not blaming you but it sure doesn't make you look good after you vouched for him. He should understand that and just leave gracefully like we tried to allow him to not go on and on like we can't stand competition and he was some patron saint and we made shit up about him.


I don't care about how he is in the online world. I'm not here trying to attack a mans real character. By saying not the kind of friend you would want is doing exactly that. I will say that I know that he tried to improve his gameplay and that's why he is so mad because he tried and he really liked this league so I'm sorry it didn't work out but please don't attack my real life friend's character. I'm not about that.


And I know you're not blaming me. It is what it is. We just need to not let our emotions bring real world into our virtual world.


Hall of Famer
At this point it's time for everyone to just move on just like I did when I lost the game to him. Cnorys has his opinions that is different from the management in the league and that's why he isn't part of league anymore. That's how this works so let's just move on and worry about something else.


Staff member
Character is what you show others. And he's showed a lot of people here something less than great character. I would be pissed if my "friend" that I vouched for acted like he has. Maybe you don't. I said how I felt. If you don't like it I'm sorry.

And we did not ask him to leave. He volunteered to bc all he did was make excuses. He didn't want to accept responsibility. I told him I appreciated that he tried to mix it up but that we all felt it was cheesy and he was just playing madden. He couldn't handle it and attacked me and my business and my partners and our way of being.

I'm sorry you don't like it but, again, he brought it on himself and ultimately you. I told you specifically we didn't want this kind of shit and you promised me he would be cool. Well... Didn't work out so well huh? And maybe instead of being pissed bc he "tried" he should be asking what he could do more. If he loved it here so much he shouldn't have been so quick to attack what we are doing and asked what he could have done to help make it better.

He's your friend. Cool. Be friends. But he's been an ass since this started and he has to understand he brought every part of this on himself. We don't have to adapt to him. He adopts to us. He was unwilling to so be a grown up and move. All of this is unnecessary.


It is unnecessary and I'm not upset at how you handled his gameplay. I just think there is a fine line between doing what's best for your business and the virtual game we play in and the real world we function in fault. Chad is not a bad dude. I wouldn't be friends with him if he were. I am upset because I feel like you let your emotions take you past that line between virtual world and real world. So he is a shitty sim gamer and doesn't handle criticism well it doesn't reflect him as a person so I feel about attacked by that as well. I'm just telling you how I feel. If you don't like it I'm sorry. But I joined this site and league to be part of a sim but most of all fun league and I sometimes fail to see the mission of making this fun for guys


That's the last I'll speak on this. Good luck to everyone still left in playoffs. Can't wait for offseason to prepare to beat those Seahawks


Staff member
NightHawkTH32 I'm sorry you can't see the correlation. Chad might be a good guy in person but he's an asshole in this world and everything I've said is in relation to what he's said on here and the messages he sent on my real world cell phone. Take it for what you will. My emotions had nothing to do with it. His actions did. Bottom line. I'm not apologizing for that just like he won't apologize for his gameplay and his reaction to the feedback he asked for. If you have any other questions or comments feel free to text me or PM me. But we're moving on as should he.