Fred Skott
Time Zone:Eastern (ex. New York)
What is the most recent version of Madden that you have played:2018
How long do you typically play Madden for (a few months, during football season, year round):Year round
What does sim football mean to you:Not running same plays over. Punting when you should. Kicking fg when you should. Not showboating on your opponent if your up big. Respecting everyone you compete with.
What interests you in joining a sim league:Competition...
What interests you about joining OUR league:The extras, like the draft idea with current college players and the live twitch announcing seems very interesting.
Would you rather win for follow every rule perfectly:I'd rather win playing straight up and knowing my opponent felt he lost because the chess match I played was better than his.
What is your opinion on breaking records in a sim league:The only record I care about is trophies in February
How often do you run routes like outs, curls and comebacks:I've done my best since 1990 playing madden to run as many plays from the team book as possible.
What would you do if you were told you broke a rule after a game had been played:Not a rule breaker... never had that issue
How would you respond if you were suspended for breaking a rule:See above
Could you create a team Twitter account and tweet 5-6 times per season about your team:Of course
Would you like to create team content like season previews, team articles, etc:Formerly I was an editor for pro football central. I've recently wrote for patsfans.com