Team Introductions


Hall of Famer


There's a change down in Dallas. Jerry Jones gets caught up in a huge embezzling scheme, and is going to jail! As part of his punishment, no member of his family is allowed to take over the Dallas Cowboys, so he was forced to sell it. Long time Cowboys fan, Christopher Bullard, has jumped in and bought the Dallas Cowboys, and now owns the most valuable NFL franchise valued at $2.1B. While Jones is packing up, a press conference was held, and C.Bullard wasn't very empathetic. He layed into Jerry saying this should have been done a long time ago. Noting that "the worst thing he ever did was firing Jimmie Johnson. Dallas fans are tired of 8-8 seasons. Behind my leadership I will bring a SuperBowl back to Dallas." He also stated that he had a sit down talk with HC Jason Garett and let him know "he is on a very short leash." As for the questions that Dallas fans have had over the past few years, will Romo stay? Bullard said "Romo is our quarterback, if you put his numbers up against any QB in the league he is a franchise quarterback. He needs better guidance, and I promise to deliver it. Quote me when i say this, Tony Romo will win a Super Bowl with Dallas." The only thing Chris Bullard had left to say to Jerry is "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"


Staff member

The Minnesota Vikings have a new owner. That much we found out from the press conference held yesterday at Mall of America Field. But who is he and what does it mean for the team? We set out to uncover some facts about the new Vikings owner and pieced together some information from his press conference yesterday.


Name: Bill Masterson
Age: 57
Born: St. Paul, MN
Resides: Dallas, TX
Alma Mater: Michigan's Ross Business School
Business: Numerous business and investments

Quick Facts

Born in St. Paul.
Moved to Texas at a young age.
Made his fortune through business transactions and investments.
Lifelong Vikings and Twins fan.
Fan of Timberwolves, Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Stars.


Masterson said that he first became interested in purchasing a team in 2006 and that the Vikings and Cowboys were at the top of his list. He said that he had already agreed to purchase the Vikings when the Jerry Jones saga broke. He said that if all things were equal he would still choose the Vikings over the Cowboys.


"Part of being good at business is surrounding yourself with smart people, so that will continue to be priority A. We'll build a continual winner from the top down." response after being asked what his nest step would be with the Vikings.