Packers-Bengals trade


Staff member
Green Bay is re-working their offense and Hill would be a good edition. Should I give him a 2nd instead of a 1st in next year to make this deal a good one

Any reason that you're not willing to give up a pick this year?


Cincinnati is looking for either an equivalent player or a possible pick that can give them the highest chance of quick development at a different position. Need to add that the Bengals just signed Isaiah Crowell.

Hopefully this helps out with your decision making committee pack1797 NightHawkTH32 BigTexas18 JerseyBorn
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Staff member
I think a 2nd this year would make everyone feel better. You can draft a comparable HB in the 1st round this year and have 4 years of contract left. Trading future picks for quality players is generally frowned upon.


Good Morning CJTHA1 after some recent transactions I would be willing to take a second round pick of this year. If you accept then please update the first post. Hopefully we can strike a deal...