VIP | Scheduling | W7 S2

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I won't be able to play tonight because I'm on duty. As for tomorrow, we can try to fit it in morning time (9?) but it's dependent on when I get relief and if I get a late call.

I will be home all afternoon and night on Saturday.


Jets / Bills can't get one snap off without our connections exploding after countless tries. We tried switching stream host too and nothing works. We were able to do a non-league game just fine (for fun and testing) but can't pull one off for PX1 beyond a snap. We literally spent almost 3 hours total trying to get more than one snap off for px1 :/. EA servers hating on us?

Can I be set to CPU for this match since I don't have playoffs riding on this? I don't want the Bills to miss out on a game. I'm sure the CPU will put up a better fight too lol.

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I won't be able to play tonight because I'm on duty. As for tomorrow, we can try to fit it in morning time (9?) but it's dependent on when I get relief and if I get a late call.

I will be home all afternoon and night on Saturday.
Can we shoot for late Sat night I get done with work around 1030pm cst


pack1797 hey bro, I know you said you would be good somtime after 6pm cst tonight. just let me know if there is a time you know you wanna play, i'll be good whenever after this ole miss / lsu game, have had people over watching this one.


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priestmvp I have a game in Xbox at 8:30 cst. I'm free before and after. Would need to start by 7 cst, or directly after the Xbox game. Either way works for me.
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