VIP | Scheduling | W4 S1

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Defense is available anytime after 10 est tonight and same for tomorrow. or early am before 8 est Tuesday and Wednesday. Let me know

You said you'll be available tomorrow night too?? My head is bumping right now, just looking at this screen is killing me.. if I feel any better after 10 I'll let you know but I'll most likely be knocked out lol
I appreciate it man, I just kept going back to sleep until I felt better lol. You said you can play before 8 a.m.? I should be up, got more than enough sleep lol

glad to hear your feeling better bud. Sorry I missed your message this am. Hopefully we can get this game in tonight. I'm good after 10 est


it should be a good one, Beckham jr looks to be carving up D fences. 10:15 est sound good to you then?

Yeah Odell is killing it for me lol, trying to get Randle some more catches because he's young so I'm trying to develop him too a bit, but lately he hasn't played well for me :p Yeah 10:15 sounds perfect!
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