The Giddy-Up, your one stop for Colts Info


This is your inside Colts reporter Buck Manning with the Giddy-Up. Yesterday it became official as the Indianapolis Colts were sold to the 3rd richest man in America Mr. Richard Semen. Semen is a lifelong NFL and Madden fan and is fired up to be owner of an NFL franchise. I recently sat down with him to ask him a few questions about entering the NFL and the PX1 League as a new owner. Here's what he had to say.

Buck Manning: So how does it feel to be the newest owner of the Colts in the best league in the country in PX1?

Richard Semen: Well Buck it feels great. After searching online for the first couple weeks Madden17 came out i was ecstatic to find the PX1 league Colts! I am a hardcore football fan and love me some Madden. So when PX1 had an opening i had to jump in!

B.M.: So rumor has it you almost bought the Chargers is that true?

RS: Somewhat true. But two words come to mind that pushed me toward the Colts...Andrew Luck.

BM: What are your expectations on Luck this year?

RS: Look im a winner. and I know Luck is coming off injury but our expectations will be the same every year with him and thats for him to help lead us to a Super Bowl.

BM: So you believe you can win in this league?

RS: I wouldn't be here if I didn't. We have a high powered offense and an under valued defense in my opinion. This week 1 match-up vs the lions will help to show us where we are at. Im here to win. Yes this is going to be a Fun experience and im very excited to get into this league, but we are here to win.

BM: So for the other owners, when is a good time to schedule games?

RS: I work late so usually before 4pm eastern time. or after midnight. I also have Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays off which works great for football season. My schedule does change sometimes but im easy to get a hold off so just leave a message with my secretary and ill get back to you asap.

BM: Anything you want the other owners to know about you?

RS: I grew up in Michigan and was a lions fan all my life. Im also a Michigan Wolverines fan as well as all other major Detroit teams. I like to have fun and don't take myself to seriously. That being said, I will be running this Colts team to win Super Bowls.

BM: Well thanks for your time Mr. Semen hope to do it again throughout the season.

Well thats it for now folks. For the Giddy-Up im Buck Manning.