Owner's Meeting Overview

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Staff member
The Owner's Meeting forum will be used by admins to discuss league topics. Only PX1 admins have rights to create threads in here. The reason being is that we still want to use the league forum or PMs for the majority of the league discussion. However, certain things we may want to discuss or vote on behind the scenes and this gives us that option.

Typically, the Owner's Meeting forum will only be used during the offseason and during a certain week of the offseason so that everyone knows when its happening and can be sure to check in more frequently that week. However, we will occasionally use the forum during the season if necessary so be sure to pay attention to it.

If you would like to suggest a topic for the Owner's Meetings, please send a PM to league leadership and we will discuss adding it to the agenda. We hope this adds a new layer of authenticity to our league. We also hope that it gives each member a feeling of ownership over the direction of certain things within the league as well.
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