No Pepper Season 2 Interest


I never got my copy of the game. My buddy's (who has my copy) car died and I haven't seen him since lol. I'm not going to make it for MLB '16


Right around the time the post season rolled around, I was given the exciting news that my fiancée is pregnant and I'm going to be a father. As a result, I recently acquired a second job, and will be working 7 days a week until the baby gets here in a desperate attempt to get some of my financial affairs in order.

I would LOVE to start a second season, as I thoroughly enjoyed playing in the first season, but I don't know if my other obligations will allow me the necessary free time to make a valid commitment. I would be more than willing to try, I would just ask you guys keep your expectations realistic (aka low, haha) regarding my involvement.


Right around the time the post season rolled around, I was given the exciting news that my fiancée is pregnant and I'm going to be a father. As a result, I recently acquired a second job, and will be working 7 days a week until the baby gets here in a desperate attempt to get some of my financial affairs in order.

I would LOVE to start a second season, as I thoroughly enjoyed playing in the first season, but I don't know if my other obligations will allow me the necessary free time to make a valid commitment. I would be more than willing to try, I would just ask you guys keep your expectations realistic (aka low, haha) regarding my involvement.

Congrats on your blessings. That sounds like something we could do. We will keep you involved


Staff member
You guys have five solid solid commits and Brady not being sure what he can do... I'm not sure if a 6-man league is what y'all are after. I'm also trying to keep in mind what it looks like to a new person on the forum if they look at our league and see only a few guys playing what the impression is. Just giving you guys a thought on where my head is. You guys can always take it offline if you want. Just trying to be fully transparent ;)


Staff member
I'm trying to brainstorm ideas with NightHawkTH32 to keep y'all going if thats what you are after. I wouldn't have a problem keeping it on the forum if there was activity other than a scheduling thread. We'll keep you posted if guys want to keep moving with 6 guys.