Name: Matt
Age: 32
System (Xbox One or PS4): Xbox 1
Xbox GT or PSN ID: Hofinator10
Time Zone: EST
Typical availability (for games): Weekends all the time. Weekdays after 6. I'm the guy waiting around for midnight advance to play my game right then and there.
What was the last Madden game that you played? I've played madden for 20 years
How long do you typically play Madden for (a month, 2-3 months, until the next release?) I normally stretch it out until the summer if the SIM league is still going on
Have you ever played in a league before? If so, how many and which ones? Yes I played in the same Franchise of SIM leagues for the last 5 years (only taking last year off because I couldn't afford the xbox one

. However, the person that ran that league let some people come and take over his league who beat the CPU 60-3 and preach that everyone needs to be 'sim'...smh
Why should you be considered for Madden leagues on PX1 Sports? I'm a great madden gamer who wants to find a new league that goes long into the next calendar year. I am active in forums/chats/everything as I believe that makes the leagues the most fun