Draft Conference Call


Staff member
I have set up a conference call for the draft tonight. All you have to do is call the number and enter the access code to join. The call should be toll free from any cell phone. If you use a landline phone, you may incur long distance charges so FYI. Please use a cell phone unless you have unlimited long distance or something for your landline. I will try to be on the call about 7:50-7:55 PM CST. Feel free to jump on within that time or even earlier and wait for everyone else. The draft should start promptly at 8 PM CST. Good luck!

Dial-in Number: 712-451-0011
Access Code: 383411

dspbuckle, Luis3250, BigTexas18, Gubber227, georgiafan, pack1797, rkjones217, Paytonno1son, Tigers20, blahblahyea7, Burns, JerseyBorn, NightHawkTH32, Danperez, SMASHSMASH55