Twitch Channels (XBOX)


Staff member
Please post a link to your Twitch channel in this thread so that I can add it to the forum streams list. All league games must be streamed on Twitch. If you do not have a Twitch account, you can sign up for a free one here. Make sure to go into settings > channel & videos and check "automatically archive my broadcasts" and then save it.

wyrmreaver, xSavedByGraceo, TheAirKev, GMONEY15, NINJAy87, Reddrum26, GridironGuru614, buccoblast32, Youngfuture, Coachmedicis, Kjm007, Wolfman93011, brnbomba2, SuperBowlNachos, Ron_Codpiece, JustInTime952, Seanisgreat87, Jay2149, Roboto, TheRawrington, Gonzo612, Kaimbe516