Team Trade Blocks/Needs (VIP)


Staff member
Use this thread to post and update your team trade blocks and team needs. Please limit this thread to one post per team to keep it easy to navigate. You should be able to easily go in and edit your post as your trade block and needs change.

Good luck!

dspbuckle, Luis3250, BigTexas18, Gubber227, pack1797, Paytonno1son, Tigers20, blahblahyea7, Burns, JerseyBorn, NightHawkTH32, Danperez, woodsmall12, kutsch47, Duv49ers, Shadez, OldWhiskey, CJTHA1, tehbest13, Futuriistiics, StormsWarning, JohnnyPersia, abundantlife777, morsdraconis


Tampa Bay Buccaneers

On The Block:
  • DT, Clinton McDonald, 77 OVR, $11m over 3 years (2 years remaining)
  • FS, Major Wright, 74 OVR, $1.26m over 1 year
Team Needs:
  1. OG
  2. C
  3. WR
  4. OLB
  5. MLB
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Chiefs banner.png


HB Charcandrick West 3yrs remaining 4.18M remaining
CB Marcus Cooper ovr 70 1 yr remaining 550K
DT Jesse Williams 72 ovr 1 yr remaining 2.18M remaining
QB Nick Foles 70 ovr 1 yr remaining 1.75M remaining

NEEDS: Draft Picks or OG