PlayStation Now Could Offer a "Deluxe" Version With DLC


Staff member
PlayStation Universe reported earlier that Sony sent out surveys to it's beta testers for the PlayStation Now streaming service. The surveys asked if the testers would be willing to pay up to 15% extra for a "deluxe version" of a game stream which would include all DLC such as bonus missions, map packs and other in-game items.


The results of this survey will likely never be made public. However, I think the answer should be obviously clear: Very Likely! Why would someone not want to pay and extra dollar or two to get access to everything that a full game user would pay $20+ for? Think about all of the extra map packs for online shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Why wouldn't you want access to all of those? Even better since it look as if it will be an option that is not forced on every user.

I think this is a great idea and one that has actually made me more interested to try out "renting" some games. I haven't rented a game since I was a kid. However, if I can stream a game directly to my system and have all of the extra features included, why wouldn't I at least try it? Pretty cool concept I think and one that I hope they follow through on.

For those of you that don't know, PlayStation Now is a streaming service that Sony plans to unveil later this year. The concept is that users can stream PlayStation 3 games to either their PS3 or PS4. Presumably, the feature will be expanded to allow streaming of PS4 games on that system to serve as a sort of "rental" or "trial" service.

How do you feel about this? Will you try out some old PS3 games on your PS4 using PlayStation Now? How about "renting" new games if/when that option becomes available?


I like this concept as well. Although if all of the games are old then maybe not. Ha. I figure they don't want to use big name games in the beta so I can imagine they'll expand once they officially release the service. If I can play a game for 90 days for half of the retail price Thays a pretty good deal to me. Not many titles in my machine get more play that that.