My impressions


My wife pulled up a game of someone playing Madden 16 on youtube... From watching I will say graphics for the most part look like 15 which I have no problem with... I am not sure why some ppl do like they expect something totallt different every year which is ridiculous since when you watch the NFL on sundays it doesnt chance... But only thing that bothered me was the bubbles popping up. Not the stats the fact it changed from the top of the screen to a bubble on the player is actually a good thing but the telling the player about comfidence... For those playing in a CFM I see potential problems... I mean imagine you are winning 45-0 in the fourth quarter obviously you shoudl run out the clock... But you get a notification that if you complete 3 consecutive passes on this drive your QB gets a xp boost or confidence boost.. I dont like that but overall it is what I expected and I am ok with that but I wish that in a CFM commish could turn that off


Staff member
I think I saw the same vid. That question popped up before, I think in a video with Rex Dickson (I've watched so many I get them confused lol). What I remember was they said that it would not be the same at the end of the game. That they would be dynamic and change. I could be wrong but I specifically remember that question coming up.

I do agree that people expect too much from year to year. I don't know where the philology of huge changes to the game every year came from but it's kind of illogical. Not only do they have to support and patch the game for a month or two after release but they also print and ship the game about a month before release which leaves maybe a solid 9-10 months of development. What sports game changes that month from year to year?

I will say that what kind of disappointed me was that the presentation for the most part is exacly the same as last year. I was hoping that was refreshed. It gets old after 100 games or so lol.

Another thing, and maybe this was because it was a poor upload, was that the helmets often looked flat. The colors were kind of washed out. But again, could have just been the upload quality.

I also wasn't really crazy about the handoff and play action animations. They looked kinda slow. Maybe I'm just used to Madden 15 though and maybe they are more realistic now. But it was kind of jarring.

I did notice the blocking looked A LOT better. I don't know that they talked about it much but it seemed much, much improved.

It's always hard to make assumptions early though. What I saw was such a small sample size. I almost don't want to see anything else until release so I can judge for myself lol.


I agree I watched 1 game onyoutube so I can't judge to much plus I obviously havent played but yes the thing where people say that it is the same as last year with roster updates to me is hilarious because I love the game of football in general and I am a huge Lions fan and when I watch the real Lions play this year I expect them to play the same way just a few roster updates... Not sure what they expect from Madden it is suppose to be a sim so do they expect them to play chess or something. If the NFL hasnt changed drastically why should the game.. That being said I know the game is far from perfect... But I do think EA actually tries their best to improve the game I do believe that if their was competition their is a high probablity that the Madden could be irrelevent which I have said for year and no one actually believed me until Live became irrelevent.. But now for ppl like me that love football Madden is what we have and I am actually happy with the product overall.. Madden 15 was the best Madden yet and frankly is 16 is literally just a roster update of the same game I would buy it and play it... I hope their are improvements though and I expect there to be improvement nothing drastic but moving in the right direction at least

But yes I will hod off my major impressions until I actually play the game for myself...


Staff member
Madden was still winning the battle when 2k was making a football game so I don't think they would be irrelevant haha. But I do think competition is good. Even when you want to be the best at something, there's nothing like someone chasing after you pushing you to be that much better.

I wouldn't however buy the game if it was just a roster update. I get very frustrated playing and some of the coverage issues and missed blocking assignments. The WRs just giving up and letting the DB go after the ball is crazy. But we know that has been addressed.

I think we will mostly feel positively about the game for the first few weeks. The real test will be a month or two in after we've played dozens of games and have started to notice things we may not have early in bc we were focusing on the big new features. Hopefully those flaws will be minimal. We know Rex has said Madden 16 isn't quite where he wants it to be but that it's much improved. I bet 16 will be great and 17 will be the game we've been waiting for to knock 05 off the the top.


I disagree that Madden was better than 2k5. I said at that time because I bought Madden and only bought 2k because I think it was like $20 or something like that and stopped playing Madden... I also think 2k8 was better than Madden 08 but obviously it was hard to get into team you cant relate to so it didnt nearly have the appeal but I of course want Madden to get better and I think it will continue and I do believe EA tries and yes the DB coverage is so irritating there is no way I should be able to consistently burn elite cbs with my 5th best wr that is ridiculous... Or if I have to play the cpu and the qb complete 90% of his passes even if he is like 60 overall


Staff member
I didn't say 2k5 wasn't better, I said Madden out sold it haha. I actually didn't like 2k vs Madden. But after watching simulationfl I see what guys liked about the 2k games. Some of the areas were much better. EA games are always going to go visuals first and catch up in realistic gameplay. Not sure us sim gamers like that but it sells the most copies so there's that...

I still think Madden 05 was the best Madden. Probably bc it had 2k pushing it. But looking back it probably wasn't the most sim. I was a cheese ball back then lol.


Yes Madden sold more but inmy opinion 2k was and better and I do believe by now 2k would ahve far surpassed Madden... Madden was the only game in town for awhile and I will add that It took a few year of making a better basketball game before they passed live. EA was smart to be pre emptive to go get the exclusive rights... had MFL 2k5 not been $20 I would never had bought itIt took me a while to buy NBA 2k I am not sure the first year I bought it but I remember leaving gamespot thinking "did that sales dude con me into wasting my money" and I havent looked back since... I only have live 15 now because I got it free with ea pass and I played 1 game on there and havent touch it since. plus the fact I could download it for free back in february in the middle of basketball season speaks volumes as well...


Staff member
Yeah I don't know what the deal with Live was. They dropped an unfinished product. I think this year will be much better but I don't know if they will ever catch 2k. But the competition will be great for both.


I think they gave up and the only reason the put anything out this year was to capture some money form ultimate team... If it wasnt for that I dont think live would have been released at all this year... but that is just my opinion but as you mentioned they striped away everything else in the game basically so it only makes sense to me. I mean there was no release of live 13 I didnt think it would come back 14 was very weak and of course had they had no competition I am sure 13 would have been release but again that is just my opinion....


Actually I think no live was released for 3 year (I think I am not 100% sure) and it came back in 14. and it just so happen that was the first year ea came out with ultimate team... frankly I hope they start improving live just so we can see competition for nba 2k although I believe nba 2k is good but like Madden it is not perfect and could use some improvement so using the same logic I hope EA comes up with something to keep Live at least competitive with 2k

Glen Cieske

The couple videos I've seen the last few days, along with playing some M15, the colors look slightly better and the players look like they move a little smoother.

It reminds me of the difference between NCAA 13 and 14.