Daddy Leagues Sign In Required


Staff member
Starting now I am requiring all members to join our league on Daddy Leagues. This will not only allow you guys to manage some aspects of your team online, but it will also give us some recourse if you decide to go AWOL. They have a bad owners list that blackball guys who have previously shown to be douche cocks. I don';t think anyone in the league now fits that bill but we are still going to require it for everyone nonetheless.

To sign in to Daddy Leagues, click the link below and click "Register" in the top right. Enter your info or log in with Facebook. Then join our league. I will have to approve you so it may not add you right away.


Hall of Famer
I did sign up. Using the same email and password for psn. A while ago. It doesn't let me do anything. Says I'm not allowed or some crap.


Staff member
For those of you that have not done this, this is mandatory. Just click this link and go to the league's Daddy Leagues site. Then click "join" in the top right.

Daddy Leagues join.png

I have to approve you but you can then add and drop players, scout, spend XP and other stuff from the Daddy Leagues website. Even if you don't want to you the site, though, you still have to register and joi the league on there.


Staff member
Lol I connected through Facebook and it automatically gave me that

That sucks. Stupid Facebook lol. Please go in and edit your profile and add your PSN and twitch so we all know someone stranger didn't hijack ur team haha