Batman Arkham Knight


Staff member
Who is all playing this game? I've seen pack1797 woodsmall12 and Colefolks319 all playing it. I have a hard time getting into non-sports, non-shooter games but it seems to be great from what I hear. The graphics looks sick. I don't know if I can get past the generic actors playing the roles though after Christian Bale and Heath Ledger.


Staff member
Kevin Conroy, who voices Batman, has been the voice actor for Batman since the animated series, going on twenty years. He's been the voice of batman more than anyone in history.

The joker is voiced by Mark Hammil, of star wars fame. He's won several awards for his voice over work, particularly the joker. He's hilarious and terrifying.

The arkham games do a better job of placing you in the role of a super hero than any other before or since. I highly recommend it.