Adusting XP Sliders


Staff member
We have been talking behind the scenes about adjusting XP sliders to allow guys to improve a little more. We don't want to overdo it and have a bunch of 99 OVR players runnign around. However, many of the costs for key attributes and low levels of XP for certain accomplishments make it hard to improve guys more than 2-3 OVR (at least in year one). Here is what we have been toying with changing so far. Let us know what you think in the comments and we'll come up with something and implement it for Season 13.

- seem fine where they are. Its not terribly difficult to improve them if you focus on them.
Running backs - seem ok. Most of the traits for young HBs aren't that expensive. They typically don't improve drastically after the draft.
Fullbacks - need to double XP. almost impossible to improve anything significantly.
Wide receivers - seem ok. Most of the keys attributes are pretty cheap up until about 85.
Tight ends - need to double XP. A lot of these attributes are too high, especially blocking and its hard to improve them.
Offensive line - need to double XP. Its almost impossible to improve linemen much if at all.
Defensive line - upgrade 50%. The key attributes are tough to improve which keeps them relatively stagnant
Linebackers - seem ok. Most of the core attributes are cheap enough early on to improve these guys
Defensive backs - upgrade 50%. Its very difficult to improve coverage ratings which is the core of these positions.
Kickers - seem ok. They dont typically improve dramatically and accuracy is relatively cheap for younger kickers

dspbuckle, Luis3250, BigTexas18, pack1797, Paytonno1son, Tigers20, blahblahyea7, Burns, JerseyBorn, NightHawkTH32, Danperez, woodsmall12, kutsch47, Duv49ers, Shadez, CJTHA1, tehbest13, JohnnyPersia, aarms32, kyswag23, wayers50, CMagoon89, alexthagreat84, Jay2149, Wolfmode88, Ron_Codpiece, Tsmith2211, CMagoon89, LostsniperLV, Ercolenose, firedup24


Hall of Famer
I agree with these. Should make it better to improve younger guys at those positions. Doesn't seem out of balance either