$25 Monthly to Top Forum Member


Staff member
Beginning immediately, PX1Sports will hold a monthly contest for the most active user on the forum. The member who is determined to have contributed the most to the forum for that month (determined by myself and support staff) will be given a $25 gift card to the national retailer of their choice (Best Buy, GameStop, iTunes, GooglePlay, Visa Gift Card, etc). This promotion has been put in place to not only encourage participation in our community but also to say thank you to those that play the biggest role in our growth.

To be eligible for the gift card, all you have to do is post on the forum throughout the month. Substantive posts such as discussions about sports and video gaming, content posts for our leagues and chatting with members in the Live Chat will carry the most weight. However, simply being active and commenting, supporting and encouraging other members will be taken into account as well. Keep in mind, though, that simple posts like "Nice!" or "good job" or "I agree" while appreciated, are not creating content for the site so will be carry far less weight in deciding the winner. So please don't just spam posts with simple answers or comments to add to your activity ;)

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to pm majesty95. I will be happy to discuss the promotion and answer any questions that you have.

Have a great month and happy posting!