WEEK 15 (S1)


Staff member
Advanced to Week 15
Deadline is THU 10PM CST

Ok, boys. Sorry again for the delays. I'll keep this bugger going on a more consistent schedule going forward :)

Week 15 Games

San Francisco 49ers - dukies2011 at Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Blakehawk54
Chicago Bears - Paytonno1son at Cleveland Browns
Buffalo Bills at Jacksonville Jaguars - Glen Cieske
Philadelphia Eagles - Futuriistiics at Minnesota Vikings - majesty95
Kansas City Chiefs - Mark at Oakland Raiders
Green Bay Packers at Dallas Cowboys - BigTexas18



Dukies2011 When do you think you can play? I have practice the next 3 nights but can play later in the evenings after 10 or before 5.