VIP | Scheduling | W12 S2

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Got appendix removed today
got appendix removed this morning and high out of my mind. I should be ready tomorrow evening (after 5pm PST, too loopy to convert time) but if you can not wait, I can go CPU. Would like to try and play but not sure where I'll be mentally tomorrow in terms of drugs.


dspbuckle hope you have a speedy recovery man. let me know if you can play at 10 est tonight

Hey man, I've been good all day but now I got to take one of my pain meds and get on my best Walter white mode. I don't know how it's goingo to affect me so it may be best for me to go CPU this week.

Could an admin please switch me? I normally can do it myself but having to get up to go swap discs from the ps4 and sit up to do it is going to be tough before my pills. Maybe impossible if it's that Tuco grade.

If I'm semi sober I'll do it myself and try to play, otherwise assume CPU if nothing is heard from me.
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