*UPDATE* Procedure for Disconnects


Staff member
We have had a couple of games disconnect and/or being extremely laggy this week. I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page with how to handle these situations in the future so as not to cause any animosity on either end.
  1. If the game is lagging badly (meaning it is making it difficult to throw or hit holes in the running game) pause the game and talk to your opponent.
  2. Typically, if you both otherwise generally have strong connections, it is usually something that is causing the lag. Make sure nobody on either end is streaming Netflix or Hulu or watching the stream on Twitch, etc. See if one person is playing on wifi and can hardwire. Do a connection test on speedtest.net and see if one connection is having an issue for some reason.
  3. If none of the above resolve the issue, both users should restart (again, only if it is making it difficult to play. Minor lag here and there can happen sometimes) your PS4, router and modem (generally unplug them for 30 seconds).
  4. If steps 2-3 do not fix the issue, attempt to re-schedule with your opponent. If we are close to advance or you cannot reschedule before advance, the game should simply be simmed.
Keep in mind, everyone is here to have fun. Laggy games are rarely that. Both users should be cognizant of the issue and work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. It is also best not to assume that the issue is not on your end. I've had a 300 Mbps connection that was crap because of a bad modem. I've also had the line coming into our house go bad. You just never know.

We should also be pointing out lag as early in the game as we notice it. If it is lagging in the first quarter, pause it then and try to resolve it (again, minor lag can happen occasionally. Significant lag is an issue). There is no reason to play out the game if it is miserable. However, we need to be making our opponent aware of the issue as soon as we notice it is not bearable as they may not be experiencing the same thing. If the lag doesn't start until later in the game, pause it when it is noticed. We've had kids, wives and girlfriends start streaming Netflix or Hulu in the middle of games. It happens sometimes. Just pause the game and try to work with your opponent to resolve it.

Again, we are all here to have fun and enjoy the games. Let's make sure we are always working with our opponent to resolve these issues fairly, maturely and respectfully when they do arise so that we limit any frustrations, angst or anxiety that can come with them.

NOTE: If you are experiencing significant lag but do not mention it and fall behind, especially by a large margin, it is going to look like you are just mad that you are losing. The lag could very well be the reason, but it may appear as sour grapes. That is why it is important to point the lag out as soon as you notice it. Keep in mind, users that frequently have connection issues, or users who frequently complain about lag when they are losing (it shouldn't only lag when you are behind), will be subject to removal from the league. Any instance of a user purposely creating lag (or being accused of it) because they are losing or the tide is swinging in the game will be investigated by league leadership. Should league leadership find reasonable evidence that lag was created to avoid a loss, that user will face removal from the league as well. We are adults and should handle situations as adults and like we would if sitting on the coach playing our best friend.

Xxclaywilliamxx, dspbuckle, Luis3250, BigTexas18, Gubber227, Blackhawk375, georgiafan, pack1797, Glen Cieske, Imperfect611, rkjones217, oBUCKNUTo, Paytonno1son, Tigers20, zbenjamin85, Studley021, Jukemwr21, blahblahyea7
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