Rankings FAQ


Staff member
What are the Player Rankings for?

The player rankings were designed to help players track their records against common opponents across multiple team sports titles and for members to avoid players who constantly cheat or use glitches or game exploits (cheese) to win.

For the first time ever, you can see live rankings of players across all team sports titles (Madden, FIFA, MLB, NBA and NHL). You can see how many games they’ve played (GP), their wins (W) and losses (L), how many times they’ve disconnected (Disc), etc. Also, for the first time ever, you will be able to see the gameplay ratings that their opponents have given them (again, across all team sports titles).

This system not only allows you to see who the best team sports gamers are in the world but it also allows you to see if they play fairly and without cheats or exploits. The Player Rankings system is perfect for competitive sports gamers, league commissioners and those interested in ranked or play now games with players who will not cheat or exploit the game to win.

How do I submit a game result?

Go to the rankings page (Click the Rankings button at the top of the screen) and then click Submit Game Result.

To submit a result you must have a PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag listed in your profile (click the User Icon.png icon and then personal details) for the system that you are submitting the game result for.

Do I have to enter a PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag?

Yes. In order to use the player rankings system you must have a valid PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag listed on your profile.

Why can I not submit a game result?

There are several reasons that you may not be able to submit a game result:

· You are not a member or are not logged in to your account.
· You have not entered a PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag (see above).
· You have existing game results that have not been confirmed within a timely manner.
· You have entered an excessive number of game results in one day.
· You have entered an excessive number of game results against the same opponent in one day.
· You have been blocked for violating the Player Rankings Terms of Service

Make sure that you are logged in, have added your PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag (or both) and have confirmed all existing game result submissions. If you feel that you may have been blocked, see “Why would I be blocked?”

What happens if my opponent and I each submit the same game result at the same time?

The easiest way to avoid this is to have the winning player submit the result. However, make sure to confirm this with your opponent prior to playing your game. If your opponent wins the game, ask them when they plan to submit the result. Some users like to play several games in a row before submitting results. Be patient and give them time. If your opponent indicated that they would submit the result instantly, give them 10-15 minutes. If you still do not see a result, send them a PM and ask if they have submitted it. If you do not receive an answer after an hour or so, send them a PM and let them know that you will be submitting the result. Following this process will eliminate duplicate entries.

What if I dispute a result?

Game disputes should only be logged if something was entered incorrectly (for example, your opponent won but incorrectly said that you did). Each member who is submitting a game result should double check to make sure that all fields are accurate before submitting the game result. In the event that you receive a game result that was still entered incorrectly, simply click “Dispute” and the game result will not be logged. NOTE: Gameplay ratings given by each user will still be tracked and recorded.

Why are gameplay ratings tracked on disputed games?

The dispute option functions as a way to show that both users agree that they have played the game but that one user disputes the outcome entered. Since the game was played, the leaderboard will still track the gameplay ratings given by each user, just not the result entered.

Should I resubmit a result that I disputed?

No. If you dispute a game result, it will be logged as a disputed game, will show up as a game played and the gameplay rating given by both you and your opponent will be tracked and recorded. Submitting the game again will skew both you and your opponent’s stats and position on the leaderboard. It is the responsibility of the player submitting the game result to accurately enter all game related data.

Can I delete a result?

No. Once a game result is submitted it cannot be deleted. Please make sure that all of the information entered is accurate before submitting it. Once a game result is submitted, it can only be confirmed or disputed.

Why did my result not show up on the leaderboard?

If your result is not showing, check that your opponent has confirmed the game result (Rankings > My Results > Awaiting). If the game has been confirmed, wait at least 15 minutes and check back. The system automatically updates every 15 minutes.

Why would I be blocked?

There are several processes in place to ensure that results are logged properly and that the leaderboard displays accurate information. If you have been blocked, it is likely because you have done something to violate the integrity of the player ranking system. Possible infractions include, but are not limited to, submitting an excessive amount of game results in one day, entering an excessive amount of game results against the same opponent(s), frequently disputing game results, frequently (or only) giving negative feedback, etc.

If I am blocked, can I be unblocked?

Possibly. If you are blocked automatically by the system it was for one of two reasons:

A. You have unconfirmed game results that have not been confirmed within the specified time frame.

B. You have violated one of the system checks entered above.

If you have been blocked due to option A, confirm the open game results (click on rankings, click on My Results then click To Confirm and confirm and pending results). Once you have done this, the system will automatically re-instate your game result submission privileges and allow you to appear on the leaderboard.

If you have been blocked due to reason B. you can continue to submit and confirm game results. The system will automatically allow you to appear back on the leaderboard once it has determined that you have satisfied its requirements for numbers of unique opponents played, percentage of disputes filed and frequency of negative feedback given.

If you were blocked by site admin, you may be unblocked after a set number of days. If you were banned by site admin, re-instatement is not possible. The integrity of the rankings is of utmost importance. Any user who is banned has shown a willingness to cheat the system and will not be allowed to return to PX1 or the Player Rankings.

How do I know how many opponents I should play, what an acceptable dispute percentage is or how often I can give negative feedback?

There is not a set number for these parameters. The system checks to see what results are outside of the normal range compared to other players. If the system determines that you do not play enough unique opponents compared to other members, it may block you from the leaderboard. If the system determines that you seem to dispute or give negative feedback at a significantly higher rate than other members, it may block you as well.

For best results, you should play a diverse group of opponents. You can play your friends more often than others, but playing only the same friends over and over is not giving the leaderboard enough information to accurately rank you. Also, you should only dispute games that were truly entered incorrectly. If your opponent keeps entering the game result incorrectly, either start submitting the results yourself or stop playing that opponent. Likewise, be fair in how you rate your opponents. Not everyone you play uses a high amount of cheats or exploits. If you keep playing players who you feel do use these tactics, use the leaderboard to find players who are rated highly by other members.

How do I know if I was blocked or banned?

If site admin blocks or bans you, you will receive a PM stating what the infraction was that caused you to be blocked or banned and when (if at all) you will be re-instated. If you did not receive a PM from site staff, assume that you were blocked due to one of the reasons above. Confirm your game results, play a variety of opponents and dispute only game results that were truly entered incorrectly.

How do I see the game results that I have submitted or that were submitted against me?

To see all of your game results click on Rankings and then click My Results. You can sort those results by All (every result you have received or submitted), Awaiting (results submitted by you that are awaiting confirmation from your opponent), To Confirm (Results submitted by your opponent that are waiting for you to confirm) and Disputed (All results disputed by either you or your opponent).

What is the benefit of a Premium Membership?

Premium Members have the ability to track and sort a number of statistics that basic members do not. This allows you to not only see and sort your results against each of your opponents but also to sort each field and see who the leaders are in each category. The complete feature list of Premium Membership benefits are:

· Additional statistics tracked (Average Rating Given, Disputes Filed, Disputes Received and Unique Opponents). This allows you to see more information on each member. It also allows league commissioners and players searching for Ranked or Play Now opponents to get a better idea of who they are inviting/playing against.

· Ability to sort all statistical categories from most to least or least to most (Rating Received, Rating Given, Wins, Losses, Winning Percentage, Games Disconnected, Disputes Filed, Disputes Received and Number of Unique Opponents Played). This feature allows you to see who the leaders are in each of the respective categories.

· Ability to click on unique opponents. This feature allows you to get a snap shot view of each of the unique opponents who you have submitted and confirmed game results for.

· Ability to see your statistics against each of the opponents you have played (Rating Received, Rating Given, Wins, Losses, Winning Percentage, Games Disconnected, Disputes Filed, Disputes Received and Number of Unique Opponents Played).


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