Old guy back


Hi. I'm a madden baller from the old days. I last played 09. I used to run leagues and play in tourneys back then. Now that my kids are grown and off to Thier own life I decided to get back at it a little.

I am a 49er fan and love using them no matter how awful they are. I've spent many hours in practice mode since I bought the game a month ago....just re learning the basics and the timing of the schemes I used to run so long ago....ironically they are still around although as I have already seen the deep Crossers are the thing because it appears defense is really broken.

I hope I can run my 49ers in this league and I look forward to some good games. I'm the kind of guy that likes to win but losing is ok as long as there isn't any glitching to do it . Like the kickoff glitch I've already seen....and the all powerful hover over center to mess up the AI on those cute no skill required nano blitzes.....seen it all before . anyways . See ya maybe