PlayStation Vita Going the Way of the Gameboy?


Staff member
The folks over at HardcoreGamer noticed that the PlayStation Vita had disappeared from the inventory of the online sites of Amazon, GameStop, Wal-Mart and Target. A call to local retailers showed that none of those had the Vita in stock either. GameStop was still doing a pre-order for the Vita bundled with the new Borderlands game but that won't be out until August. So, what does that mean?


More than likely, Sony has cut production for the Vita and the demand has out-sold their current pace of manufacturing. Whether that cut was in an effort to increase demand (less supply=more searches=higher prices on eBay=more people wanting what is not available) or part of a plan to phase the unit out is yet to be seen. Since Sony has integrated the Vita with the PlayStation 4 and has allowed it to stream PS4 games, I have a hard time believing Sony is discontinuing it completely. Either way, though, you're going to have a hard time finding one until we get closer to the holiday season.

What do you think? Good move by Sony? Can't wait to get your hands on one or happy its one less thing tugging at your gaming heart strings?