Interview: MLB 15 The Show Triple Play Challenge Creator


Staff member
One of the most asked questions about MLB 15 The Show is "How do I get more stubs?" Stubs are used in MLB 15's card collecting game, Diamond Dynasty, to buy individual cards or packs of cards including real players, legendary players, Road To The Show equipment and boosts and franchise mode upgrades.

The most common way to go about earning stubs in MLB 15 The Show is to simply play games. Not only do you get stubs for playing games, but you also get free player cards that can be sold for more stubs. Its a great system that Sony San Diego has come up with and it has many championing Diamond Dynasty as the king of card collecting games (over Electronic Arts' Ultimate Team and NBA 2k's MyTeam). But, the inevitable question is, how do I get more stubs?

Late last week, a Twitter hashtag began popping up frequently on followers of MLBTheShow_Tips feed. That hashtag was #TriplePlayChallenge. What was the Triple Play Challenge? Well, it is pretty much the easiest and most efficient way of earning stubs and cards for use in Diamond Dynasty and other MLB 15 The Show modes.

Triple Play Challenge.png

The Triple Play Challenge is an MLB 15 community challenge that has users attempt 99 triple plays as the Detroit Tigers against the Boston Red Sox. Users complete the challenge by pitching as David Price with the based loaded and Pablo Sandoval at the plate. You have a full count and Sandoval is programmed to bunt your pitch right in front of the plate. Your catcher then fields it and automatically steps on home plate for the first out. You then fire a strong throw to third base for out number two before firing across the diamond to Miguel Cabrera at first base for the third out.

Once you figure out the timing, you can typically turn 85 or more triple plays in your 99 attempts. The more triple plays that you turn, the more in game XP (experience points) that you earn and the better chance you have at card rewards like gold and diamond players (the most valuable cards in the game).

So who came up with this community challenge? It was an Atlanta man named Ben and his 11 year old son Austin. Ben stopped by my stream the other day and we chatted for about an hour while I was doing the challenge on Twitch. Ben agreed to answer some questions for the community so that people could learn more about him and Austin and how they came up with the idea in the first place. Here is that conversation:

Questions and Answers

Me: Let's get right to the nuts and bolts, how did the Triple Play Challenge come about?

Ben: To make a long story short, I lost my job so we had to stop extra spending on PSN cards. We wanted to find an easy and quick way to make stubs. When we looked at the (community) challenges someone had a challenge to turn a double play with Papi bunting and A Roid Pitching. We got 600 stubs and 4 cards for it. So Austin said, "lets create one to see if we can get more (stubs)". I told him to create it with the most xp and attempts so we can see if we can get more stubs and cards. Low and behold, we tested the challenge he set up and we hit the jackpot.

Me: We're very sorry to hear that you lost your job. Although you found a creative way to spend extra time with your son without spending extra money. How many times do you think that you guys have completed the challenge?

Ben: At least 75 times (as of Saturday, June 6, 2015).

Me: What kind of rewards have you received from completing the challenge?

Ben: Well to take care of the easy questions first, we already had the max XP (30) so that had no effect. The cards we have won during the challenge is Diamonds - Bat, Cleats, Harvey, Harper, Beltre. Gold - Marte, Rizzo (2x), Tanaka, Cueto, and I honestly cant remember the rest them (only about 5 more players) and tons of gold inventory.

Me: What's the best score that either of you have posted while doing the challenge?

Ben: 295 and congrats to the people that were perfect with a 297!

Me: What do you think is the best strategy for completing the challenge in the fastest time frame possible?

Ben: Turning off your meter for throwing and going to the button accuracy.

Me: The challenge has created quite a stir in the MLB 15 The Show community. What did you guys think of that?

Ben: Honestly, we just set it up for ourselves but when we started seeing how much we were getting my son wanted me to tweet it out and share it. I didn't know it would cause a frenzy and we were excited and shocked by that. We still are

Me: Do you and Austin have any plans to create more challenges?

Ben: Not at the moment. He is going with this for a week or two and in process we are going to see if we can make a higher payout one. But I think our first time is the charm.

Me: That's really incredible. You can never tell when something is going to go viral on the internet.

What else can you tell us about you and Austin? What are your favorite teams? What other games and modes do you play in MLB 15?

Ben: Honestly, Diamond Dynasty is the only thing we've done on here. The H2H DD (games). The day we created the challenge was the first time we had even checked the challenges out.

I personally stopped playing until we got this (MLB 15 The Show). My son enjoys WWE, Minecraft, GTA, and Call of Duty though.

Our favorite teams are the Detroit Tigers, Lions and Red Wings and Michigan Wolverines.

Me: Ben, thanks for taking the time to chat with me on my stream and to answer some follow up questions. If anyone in The Show community wants to thank you guys for helping them get extra stubs and players in Diamond Dynasty what can they do?

Ben: Just tweet me a thanks @ben_2782 If you wanted to send Austin a PSN card he would appreciate it. He is the real hero, not me. You cna alos send Austin a friend request on PSN: austin81103


Thank you again to Ben for giving everyone some backstory about how the Triple Play Challenge was created. Thank you to Austin for being the brains behind the operation. It has certainly helped a number of MLB 15 users build their Diamond Dynasty teams and their stubs bankroll.