HUT lacks in many areas


Staff member
I had never played an Ultimate Team mode until it was added into NCAA Football 14 this year. Then I got hooked. Right up until I quite playing due to all the glitchers online.

In NFUT I found the collection process and roster management straight forward and easy to navigate. I can't say that about HUT.

My biggest complaint about Hockey Ultimate Team is that all of your players are automatically grouped by their league and team. That is great if you are trying to complete team collections but a pain when just trying to scroll through your players. Its also confusing. It was easy to send players form the active roster to reserves (or vice versa) on NCAA but in HUT I haven't figured out how to do it (yet). It is pretty straight forward when you first open a pack and have to assign players but after that it becomes confusing and cumbersome.

Also, while I appreciate the detail and level of realism that comes with setting all of you lines, power play, penalty kill, etc. that can be quite tedious. I liken it to setting your kickoff, punt, return and goal line teams in Madden or NCAA. It is great for the hardcore gamer but the more casual gamer can be overwhelmed by it.

The one are where I think HUT really excels is in the player card/info screens. I love the auction assistant and that it shows what your card it selling for and how many are listed along with its "rarity" rating. If I could figure out how to actually put a card on auction it would be even better :rolleyes:.

As far as the gameplay, I haven't delved into the that yet so I cannot comment as to how much better or worse that is than NFUT. But, my early impressions of the mode leave me feeling that it will not be the time suck or money drain for me that its NCAA cousin was. Quite a shame too as I was really looking forward to this after a few years away from the series.